
2009年3月8日 星期日


紀鎧齡,經父親紀聰信牧師啟蒙學習小提琴。1988年接受全額獎學金赴美國洛杉磯藝術高中,擔任該校管絃樂團首席,畢業時獲得該校音樂榮譽獎。1990年接受全額獎學金進入加州州立大學北嶺分校,主修小提琴,副修管絃樂團指揮,師事Dr. David Whitwell,擔任該校管絃樂團首席,在校期間獲頒傑出外國學生獎章。1994年接受獎學金進入美國新英格蘭音樂院攻讀管樂指揮碩士,師事Prof. Frank Battisti,其間擔任該校助教及管樂團助理指揮。1997年接受全額獎學金進入麻州州立大學洛威爾分校攻讀小提琴演奏碩士,擔任該校管絃樂團首席、助教及管絃樂團助理指揮。2003年接受美國西雅圖華盛頓大學獎學金(下圖為該校音樂學院)攻讀管絃樂指揮及小提琴演奏博士,指揮師事Maestro Peter Eros。2005年6月獲華盛頓大學管絃樂指揮博士學位。曾任臺中一中管樂團指揮、臺中二中音樂班管絃樂團指揮、曉明女中國中部音樂班管絃樂團指揮、嘉義國中管樂團指揮、清水國小音樂班管絃樂團指揮、嘉義大學音樂系合唱團指揮、嘉義市崇文國小音樂班管絃樂團指揮、嘉義大學音樂系兼任助理教授。

Dr. Catherine Kai-Ling Chi, born in Taiwan, has received her D.M.A. degree in instrumental conducting from University of Washington School of Music where she is also pursuing another doctoral degree in violin performance. She had been educated in Taiwan before she received full scholarship to enter into Los Angels County High School for the Arts in 1988. In 1990, California State University at Northridge awarded her full scholarship for her undergraduate education in violin performance. Upon receiving her B.M. degree, sponsored by the scholarship from New England Conservatory of Music, she continued to study wind ensemble conducting with Prof. Frank Battisti in 1994. After obtaining her M.M. degree in conducting from New England Conservatory of Music, she was granted full scholarship from University of Massachusetts at Lowell to pursue another master degree in violin performance in 1996. When she finished her graduate studies in 1998, she went back to Taiwan and was invited to be a music director/conductor/violin teacher at several music schools. In 2003, she obtained admission for doctoral degrees and scholarship from University of Washington School of Music to study instrumental conducting with Maestro Peter Eros and violin performance with Dr. Kyung Sun Chee.

